[What's New][Looking ahead] Endgame, AI policy & Feast Applications

Today, we have a new, shiny feature for all of you! Endgame! 

Have you ever missed a campaign by a few minutes? Or have you been a part of a campaign that was just shy of breaking through the last Stretch Goals? 

Well, now, we have a cool feature to help all of that and make crowdfunding more fun! From now on, backers can prolong campaigns and finish with a fun event called Endgame that will last as long as there will be new pledges! We are quite excited to see what the Gamefound community can do with a new feature like that! 

We've already teased that in our Gamefound Puzzle last week (new one coming soon!), now it's time for the reveal the details.

What is Endgame?
In short, it's a time extension for Crowdfunding campaigns that are still getting pledges, but the timer runs out. This should help both backers and creators to minimize the number of interested people missing out. The timer will be visible on project thumbnails for every project that's using Endgame and will end in 10 minutes or less.
Every pledge or upgrade of the pledge near the scheduled campaign end will extend the deadline in eligible project by maximum 10 minutes - this can occur once per backer. Every person supporting the project during Endgame resets the clock.

Creators can decide whether to use Endgame or not; it's automatically enabled in your project settings by default. We know our community can be playful and sometimes would like to extend the campaign indefinitely, so creators can turn off Endgame at any moment. If done after Endgame has started, it will result in the Endgame clock stop being resetted with new pledges.
And if someone were curious: yes, Endgame can work also for the campaigns that aren't funded yet.

Would you like to see Endgame in action? The first occasion will come very soon! First campaign that will be using the feature is Star Trek Ascendancy: The Final Frontier - make sure to join it today at 23:00 CET / 5 PM ET!
AI disclosure on projects 
We are adding one new rule on the project transparency. While it was already a very common practice, we want to make sure we clearly communicate it to creators and that from now on it becomes a requirement. 

Creators have a responsibility to transparently disclose the use of AI in their product. 

Since the AI technology is rapidly changing and there is so much different softwares and ways of using it - we are giving creators full freedom in regards to how to structure this information and include it in the campaign / FAQ. 

This rule comes from our core belief that the best practices in crowdfunding are focused around transparency and communicating with your backers. Whether during the campaign (to accurately describe your product / vision) or after, talking about all the ups and downs of the project. 

Join The Feast this April
Gamefound Feast has grown into a well-recognized name in the tabletop industry, and we couldn’t be prouder! It’s an event loved by both backers and creators alike. 

For those who aren’t familiar, Gamefound Feast is packed with perks: a live stream hosted by me (Alex Radcliffe), a 24-hour homepage takeover with all featured spots and banners, a newsletter sent to over 200,000 subscribers, and a social media campaign – both organic and paid – fully covered by Gamefound.

Until now, Gamefound Feast has been an invite-only experience. This time, we’re opening our doors a little wider. Our next Feast is happening in mid-April, and if you're a creator with an exciting project you'd want to announce during the event, we’d love to hear from you! Simply fill out this form  by March 18th to apply.

Please note that applying doesn’t guarantee a spot – we have a limited number of slots available and may not be able to accommodate everyone. But don’t worry, we’ll review all submissions carefully and make the best selections possible.

We can’t wait to see what you’re working on!
Alex Radcliffe
CMO of Gamefound