[What's new?] Gamefound reaches 150k users with new huge update for creators!

Today, is a very special day for us for a two reasons. First of all, we have recently reached 150 000 users on Gamefound! Let this just sink in… 150 000! That is A LOT of people who trusted us and were able to safely complete an order on Gamefound. We are really humbled by your confidence in us.
We started Gamefound almost 3 years ago - with just one person (our current CTO) working on it. The goal was quite simple - to create the best possible tool to connect creators with backers in the new crowdfunding era. Right now we are a team of 8 dedicated professionals, working hard every day to improve the Gamefound experience both for creators and users.
We hope there is a lot of awesome progress ahead of us, and that you guys will join us on this road! Getting feedback from the community was extremely important for us from the beginning and we will definitely follow this tradition.
New admin area for creators
The other big thing is the all-new admin area that just premiered today. This is a big change for all creators using Gamefound. For the past year or so, we were gathering feedback on how to enhance the creators' experience and new admin area is the first big step in that direction. We know it's only the beginning, as there are lots of great features we can (and will!) be adding to the platform, but we hope that you will already enjoy it massively:) Below you can find some more details about what's changed.
New dashboard for launched projects
Once you get into your creator account, there is a completely new and shiny dashboard, greeting you with all the most important info for your project.

As a bonus, we're also giving the creators some basic analytic views. It is very likely this area will be expanded in near future.

New project setup wizard
Huge changes await creators that will be joining us. There is now a wizard that will guide you through all the steps that you need to complete before launch.

Dashboard for new projects
We know setting up a project is not a five minute task, so we're now giving you a hand remembering what needs to be done with hints and something that tells you your progress.

New project settings area
We have also re-designed most of the project settings, so that they are a bit more understandable and accessible. The new side navigation bar will let you switch between setting sections quickly.

Product setup
There are big improvements in the product setup screens too. Apart from the visual changes, you can now (finally) drag-drop categories and products to reorder them.

Table view improvements
Admin screens with tables also received some much needed improvements. A common complaint was that the filters box is sometimes too clogged. Fortunately, it's not the case any more, as you can simply pick what filters you want to see. Your choice will be remembered next time when you get to the same screen:)

Lots and lots more
We could go on and on about all the things we changed, but literally everything is improved or completely new. It's best if you go and check it out yourself. Remember, becoming a creator on Gamefound is: 1. super easy, 2: completely free:) Go ahead and try it here:
We really hope you enjoy this update, and that it will let you create amazing board games with a bit less effort! :)