[What's New] Remodeling the notification center & analytics improvements
Pending Actions
We're improving capabilities of the bell icon to be a proper notification center, not just a way to turn the push notifications on. You can now access the pledges that require something to be done more easily!

You will also see these projects on the top of 'My projects' list for easier access.
There is still the option to enable push notifications, but now the notifications will be displayed even without enabling it:

We believe this will make backers life easier, and decrease the number of abandoned pledges significantly.
Analytics Screen
We're happy to report that most of you are satisfied with how this screen turned out, but it does not mean it's flawless! We added some tooltips for data that was unclear, and now you can clearly see percentage share in some cases, like the Traffic Source and Product Ranking.

Transfer titles
Payouts will now have a transfer title, that can be recognized at a first glance. Now transfers will be named "Payout #X for 'Project Name'". This feature will improve clarity for creators with multiple projects.
Order Location in financial export
The title says it all! We added an Order Location column in 'FinancialTransaction' export file

Hope you'll find these changes useful! If you'd like share your feedback don't hesitate to leave a comment or join our Discord.
Alex Radcliffe
CMO of Gamefound