[What's new?] Pledge manager without shipping (also: see you at Spiel 2022!)

pledge manager
late pledge
Pledge manager without shipping 

As we announced in the last post, we’ve been working on the possibility of allowing late pledging without shipping – we call this stage “late pledge.” Along with the Stable Pledge program, this is yet another tool giving creators and backers greater accuracy at different stages of the project. This way, creators will be able to estimate the shipping price closer to pledge fulfillment. If you’re interested in opening a late pledge for your project, please contact your Key Account Manager to schedule it. The late pledge phase can be opened a month after the end of crowdfunding, before the pledge manager.
The feature will include a separate dashboard with details of pledges made after crowdfunding (in progress).

Spiel 2022, Thu, Oct 6, 2022 – Sun, Oct 9, 2022 – Essen, Germany 

Our team is ready for a board gaming journey to Germany to Spiel 2022. We can’t wait to mingle with board game enthusiasts, so if you’d like to come by for a chat, we’re at booth 4F123. We’re also available for individual meetings, which you can schedule here.
See you in Germany!  

Upcoming features 

We’ve got many new features queued, but we can give you a sneak peek of a pretty exciting one that’s long been requested. We’re currently developing a new “My backed projects” section where backers will be able to clearly see what stage the project they backed is in, what’s required from them to receive their pledge, etc. They will also have all their followed and backed projects in one place.

That's it for today. Stay tuned for more :)
the Gamefound team