[What's new?] Pledging availability setup, fund collection preview and more!
pledge manager
creator content
late pledge
stretch pay
New settings for pledges
We’ve adjusted the pledging availability settings in pledge managers of projects funded on Gamefound to your needs. Now you can decide if the pledge manager is open, closed, or limited to a specific group. You can also define if backers can place new pledges or only add shipping details. You can narrow the availability to the backer groups you defined. Read more about the new settings here.

Fund collection preview on campaign dashboard
Now, you can easily preview how much funds were collected from your backers. Once your campaign ends, our payment processor charges backers for their pledges, and you can see the percentage of collected money. This is a small improvement, and we'll add more data to project dashboards soon.

Payment history
We’ve added the option to view the payment history for each pledge. Now, backers can easily preview payment details in their pledges.

The preview also includes installments, refunds, and cancellations.

Archiving projects and new options
This feature has been requested a lot by the community. Now, you can hide projects you no longer want to see in “My projects.” The project won’t disappear forever. You can always restore it using filters. Hiding projects is available in the three-dot menu, and here you can also quickly go to communication preferences for this specific project or checkout.

2023 is off to a good start, with Season 4: Sleeve Kings In 43 Standard & 8 Premium Sizes being the first project of 2023 on the platform, seeing installment payments live for the first time with a large percentage of backers engaging in them. Almost 16% of pledges were made using Stretch Pay, and they are on average higher by 31% than regular pledges.
We’re excited for the numerous projects we’ve been slowly announcing that you can see in our upcoming projects here. And we’re excited for the many that we haven’t yet been able to share with you that we will be soon.
We’re still constantly adding new features, as you can see above, both big and small, and 2023 will be another year of tremendous growth for the platform, both in terms of projects and continued improvements in functionality and features.
Looking forward to an excellent 2023 with all of you!
Alex Radcliffe
CMO of Gamefound